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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

John Satterfield C.Ht

The Most Powerful Persuasion Skill You'll Ever Learn,If you do
Criteria Elicitation
This is without a doubt the most important persuasion skill that you can learn. If you'll learn to apply this to every situation in which you find yourself you'll be amazed at the positive results! Many of the hypnotic skills I'll be sharing with you have a parallel in old sales training techniques. This one is no exception! Lets say that you are needing to convince someone to do something, accept something, or behave in a certain way. You will need to communicate with their powerful subconscious to get your desired agreement. Once a person's subconscious "buys in" to what you are proposing they will just naturally seem to come over to your way of thinking. The question then becomes "how do I get my message to the person's subconscious?" Here's your answer-elicit their true criteria. Simply put, ask. Try this one SALESMAN John what's important to you when shopping for a new car? JOHN Well I like to know that the person I'm dealing with is honest." SALESMAN Yes honesty is the best policy. What else is valuable to you when you are making the decision about a car? JOHN I like to know the car has a high reliability rating from Consumer Reports SALESMAN an unreliable car is not an acceptable situation. What else is important john? JOHN I want to know that I got a really good price.
In the above can you put John's criteria in order of importance,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Chestnut Boots? If you chose 3, 2, 1 you were right! Our hypnotically trained sales man knew to ask at least three times what was really important or valuable. He agreed and parroted each answer so that John's SC would react to him as a friend (rapport) John's SC would give increasingly important info each time he was asked what's important,and Asian Countries such as China and Japan.. So our salesman needs to focus on showing John that he is getting a good price on a reliable car from a trusted advisor. When you need to convince someone first you should establish rapport. The easiest way to do that is to ask some questions about things important to that person. Some people go after rapport by starting with stuff like "how do you like this weather?" A great way to establish rapport is to share some detail from your own life first. "John you should have been with me last week at the golf range! I was hitting them long and straight! Or "my daughter just got the lead in the school play!" People usually respond with instant liking for you when you share a detail from your life. Once you have conversed for awhile (small talk?) then you can get to the elicitation stage. "Boss—what's important to you about how my sales job is performed?" What else,co-creating a rich and full life of their dreams.? What else?
Surveys are formalized attempts at criteria elicitation.
Once you know someone's criteria then you have the roadmap to structure your persuasion attempts. By focusing on their criteria you will be seen as perceptive, insightful and caring! "Honey what's valuable to you in a relationship" What else? What else?
Structure your communication to take advantage of the criteria that you have elicited and you'll always come out a winner!
Any Questions?
John Satterfield C.Ht (Certified Hypnotherapist)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

positive or negative

Self Improvement: Destiny or Journey?
How high is up,will pay for employees to go back to school or be trained for a specific job.?
Have you ever asked yourself, "Just how high is up?" or "Just how successful is successful?" or "Just how good is good?" Have you ever thought about the different "Yous" within yourself? Most of us have, at sometime, considered our own path to personal growth and desired to improve upon improvement.
There is a simple, yet powerful, way to evaluate many personal characteristics and thereby gain additional access to who we are and what we truly wish to be,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Chestnut Boots. If life is essentially a school, which I believe it is, then we not only have our course work cut out for us but our objective for which our "learnings" specifically prepare us. Get a piece of paper and try this little exercise.
First, write down all of your strengths, all of those characteristics about yourself that are good. Begin with the obvious, perhaps you're very honest, or friendly, or cooperative and so forth. After you have completed this list, write down some characteristics that you would like to improve. Perhaps you wish to overcome some fear or stop being jealous, or end gossiping or release anger and so forth. So, you'd like to be more courageous or more accepting and trusting, or more confident and so forth. Now, with both of these lists completed, think about yourself as having four inner aspects (IA) of the same you.
The first IA is your actual self--who you are, what you do, etc. The second IA is your concept of an ideal-self. The ideal-self for most of us is just that, an ideal—but usually too ideal to be realistic. "Under no circumstances will I ever become angry," may be one such ideal. Okay, the third IA is the ought-self. The ought-self is that collection of things typically foisted upon each of us during maturation. The collection of "you ought to do this" and "you ought to do that" statements we all have heard particularly from our parents and family members. Last, but not least, is our desired-self. The desired-self is attainable, not so ideal as to be impractical as a goal. With these four IA's, take another sheet of paper and write down characteristics that apply pressure to how you feel about yourself, positive or negative, under each IA heading. That is, use a separate column or sheet of paper to list the items (including feelings) that you may have about each category. When you're done, compare the categories.
The question, "How high is up" has no answer unless there is some reasonable estimate as to the ceiling. Personal improvement is much the same. Self-examination can assist all of us in obtaining reasonable goals and that can provide at least some clear steps on the way to our ceiling.
Fantasizing your way to your goals.
I related the research that showed one could obtain the same gains from imaging exercise as from exercising in a study I reported upon in my Wellness book (which is free to download in our e-book library at ) where basketball players improved their free throw shots as much by practicing mentally as the group that shot free throws everyday of the thirty day study. Current research tends to suggest that the scripts we fantasize, that is, our daydreams,Let go of the guilt regarding lost friendships.You heard of the saying, rehearse our worldview and in that sense predispose our experience. Repeating themes such as those around "getting even" and/or emerging victorious at someone's expense, probably tend to create scenarios in many peoples lives that may lead to violence, anger, and so forth. In short, our mental daydreams may become rehearsed scripts seeking an opportunity to be played out.
By contrast to the above scenario, whenever I have spoken to a successful person, a champion athlete, or anyone else truly at the top of what they do, they have informed me repeatedly and universally that their daydreams were about their success. You can choose what to daydream about and you can end a daydream if it's not something you want rehearsed and thereby a part of you.
Knowing this, it is incumbent upon each of us to think about the goals we wish to achieve. Look back at your lists, and set up a day-dream that is truly self-serving—one that rehearses your success and achievement according to your goals—your highest best.
To your best and thanks for the read,"In a hundred years,
Copyright 2005 Eldon Taylor

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Department Store Over the Counter "Junk'

Skin Lotion Secrets for Beautiful Skin by Margaret Bell
What are skin lotion secrets for beautiful skin? Why doesn't my skin care moisturizer work? How can I get the beautiful skin back that I once had? These questions will be answered in the following paragraphs.
Your facial moisturizing lotion doesn't work because you probably have believed all the advertising hype about looking younger with beautiful radiant skin. Then you bought the skin care product and found out it was like all the other face creams you have: NONE of them really work. I'm going to tell you why it doesn't work and what to look for in a facial moisturizer that does give you a smoother healthier skin.
How Does a Facial Moisturizer Work
A face cream should replace, or at least assist, the natural oils that are supposed to be there,Will I Lose Sensation in my Nipples After Breast Surgery-. Most face creams and moisturizers are mostly water and petrolatum, petroleum jelly or "manufactured grease". Petroleum is a by-product of crude oil and so is gasoline. It clogs up the skin's pores and can do more harm than good. Yes, I know it feels good on your skin but it is not good for your skin.
Department Store Over the Counter "Junk'
I know you won't like this but most of the expensive over the counter cosmetics aren't worth the jar they come in. Yes, they smell good and feel good but the ingredients are many times harmful.
Usually quality is sacrificed for the sake of profit,"I'm fat". Costs and overhead are a necessary part of any business but to put out an ineffective product to save a buck is inexcusable. It is even "criminal" to charge an outlandish price for it, but it happens. Most of the skin care products contain, as mentioned, a crude oil by product but also something called "paraben". Read the label and you will see usually a word ending in -paraben. A paraben is an ingredient that acts like a preservative to give the product longer shelf life. Seems harmless but parabens have been found in breast cancer patients. So beware,Selecting Candles For Dinners.
You Are What You Put on Your Skin
You probably heard it as: "You are what you eat". Since we are so careful about what we eat (or should be) shouldn't we be just as careful as to what we put on our skin? Wouldn't it be nice if the skin care products we put on our skin contained ingredients that were 'safe enough to eat'? Keep reading I have a big surprise for you.
Our skin needs what is called keratin. But it can't be just any kind of keratin to really work. The one ingredient that does work is not synthetic but a live natural protein called Functional Keratin or Cynergy TK. It has patent protection because it works; is safe and is remarkably effective. Where do you get it?
Functional keratin is an ingredient that is safe and very effective. It works a lot like the keratin that is in your body. Functional keratin is known by a patented name of Cynergy TK. It comes from a natural source: the wool of New Zealand sheep.
Liquid Skin
Be careful about other companies and their claim to have keratin in their skin care line. Often the keratin that other companies use is a synthetic protein. The skin will not accept it because it is not a living protein. Liquid skin, another name for functional keratin, will help reduce fine lines and wrinkles but will promote new skin cells and the tendency to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed.
Most skin care products are exaggerated as to what they really can do. The best facial moisturizers and skin care products are not found in downtown stores,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots. The best skin care is found Online. The reason is very important. Keep reading please.
Online skin care companies have less overhead than the big department stores have. Department stores have 3 things against them. 1. The cost of running a brick and mortar (physical) store. 2. The shipping costs. 3. Large mark ups to cover the cost and building in a profit from sales.
Other skin care products might list keratin on their label but know this. It will most likely be a cheap imitation, synthetic keratin that is absolutely worthless. This is because real functional keratin is a live protein not synthetic but natural. Therefore is works when others don't. Cynergy TK will help build new skin and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. As for a facial skin treatment, you won't find any better.
Many companies make wild claims or imply miracle solutions to your skin problem. Many, if not most, of these companies invest heavily in advertisements that seem to convince people to buy something that either doesn't flat out work or gives poor results.
These companies have big overhead expenses. A physical location can cost enormous dollars. Mark ups must be substantial to make a profit. In other words, make it for pennies and charge big dollars.
I found that some of the best products come from the Internet. Of course not all do but I did find one good reliable source that has safe skin care that really does work.
And now please see AHealthyRadiantSkin website listed below for more information on facial moisturizing lotion.

Friday, October 26, 2012

5. Turn The AC Up

Pregnancy Headaches
The headache that you experience during pregnancy is not the same as that which you experience at any other time in your life. At times you may be able to bear these headaches without any need for additional relief, but other times they are excruciating and highly unbearable and require some kind of relief. At times like that you do not need to resort to medication as a first option because there are many natural ways to relieve pregnancy headaches without risking the health of your unborn baby. This article will reveal 5 such ways to you
1. Take Plenty Of Water
One of the most common causes of headaches during pregnancy is dehydration. This is due to the fact that the body requires a lot of water for it to function properly,Decorating For the Cape Cod Home by Valorie Mendiola_0. In fact, your body will require more water now that you are pregnant. You need to make it a point of duty to remain hydrated. In case you feel your headache starting, you should slowly take a drink of water; ensure that the water is at room temperature so that absorbance into your body will be quick.
2. Eat Lots Of Fruits & Grains
Snack a lot on them. You want to do this because those headaches may be as a result of low blood sugar. You should snack on a granola bar or a fruit to acquire a little lift and to boost your blood sugar level which should eliminate your headaches while allowing your brain function from the increased energy.
3. Go Get A Massage
Your condition may be brought on due to stress. You could relieve this stress by indulging in a luxurious massage, preferably in a dark room. If done correctly, this will relieve the tension in your body and ease out the pressure on your mind. You should be able to rest more peacefully as the massage would have worked on those pressure points in your body.
4. Prenatal Yoga
You should learn to perform prenatal yoga which will teach you how to correctly breathe and meditate,The Top Reasons Why Women Changes Careers by Catherine Trebble. What this does is to empower you to naturally relieve the headaches through the power of visualization.
5. Turn The AC Up
You need to cool down your immediate space. Once it is cool enough you should lay down and take a nap,not just during the Yuletide and holiday season.. You will achieve two things if you are successful,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots; you will be able to take a relaxed nap while simultaneously giving your body the required time to cleanse and heal itself.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

If you're an hourglass figure then go for a dress with a pulled in waist

Choosing The Perfect Party Dress by Charlotte Bleasdale
Choosing the perfect party outfit is never an easy task! There's a fine balance to be found between what's fashionable, what suits you and what is appropriate for the occasion. That's why we've decided to give you some tips on different types of party wear and when to wear them!
Maxi Dresses
The maxi dress trend is out en force this winter, and it's a brilliant way to be comfortable and look fabulous at your Christmas party. A maxi dress is the perfect party look for cooler months, as it will usually be warmer than shorter styles. The idea that you need to be tall to wear a maxi dress is a total myth! It's all about finding a dress that suits your shape.
If you're an hourglass figure then go for a dress with a pulled in waist, empire line works best for apples, and a v-neck is flattering for any shape. Pears should choose a style that skims the hips instead of hugging, and it's very important to get a dress that's the right length.
Maxi dresses are also perfect for curvy girls! A plus size maxi dress can be fabulously flattering as well as stylish, and they come in a great range of colours and styles!
To get the maxi dress look perfect just add gladiator heels and a smart clutch bag, plus a stylish bolero will both look fantastic and keep you warm! Maxi dresses or floor length dresses have long been the recommended attire for formal occasions, so if your office party is black tie, a maxi dress is the perfect solution!
Tea length dresses
If you have a slightly less formal Christmas party coming up then you could opt for a shorter, tea length party dress. Some women find shorter dresses more comfortable, and they can be easier to find in a variety of styles. Like with maxi dresses you should dress to your strengths. If you have a small waist then it's a great idea to show it off with a fabulous waist cinching dress!
50s style dresses with an a-line or flared skirt are perfect for pear and strawberry shapes alike as they skim a bigger bum or hips and balance out broad shoulders!
Trousers & Skirts
But remember, you don't have to wear a dress, many women now feel more comfortable wearing trousers, and you can get some gorgeous going out outfits that feature trousers and skirts!
Choose an embellished top for a glamorous, sparkled look that's perfect for Christmas. Or add a sheer top to smart trousers for a simple, tailored style! Heels and a sequinned bag can transform a simple outfit into something that's party perfect! This makes the trousers or skirt option perfect for a quick turnaround. If you need to go straight from work to a Christmas party then adding a few accessories and a change of top is ideal!
In conclusion, finding the perfect party outfit is about finding something that's not only on trend, but that you're comfortable in too,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots! There's no point wearing the latest look if you feel horrible in it. So go for full confidence in a dress or outfit that highlights your favourite areas and gives a subtle nod to fashion.

visit my website today.

The Best Skin Care Formulas Start with Healthy, Nutritional Natural Ingredients by Laurel Levine
Did you know the best skin care formulas that you can buy are the ones that are filled with healthy, nutritional natural ingredients? Yes, I did mean to say nutritional, because the skin needs a wide variety of different vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids in order to stay healthy. Many companies overlook the need for the ingredients that provides your skin's nutritional needs by developing their formulas using synthetics.
Synthetics not only don't have what it takes to feed your skin, but they also don't supply you with the antioxidants that you need for ridding the skin of free radicals. Free radicals cause oxidation in your cells, which causes the formation of some of the lines and wrinkles in your skin. Free radicals can be eliminated and oxidative damage repaired so long as an ample supply of antioxidants is provided.
The best skin care formulas will obviously not feature synthetic compounds, but you must be aware that even a product that offers natural compounds as the primary ingredients are most often not chemical free. The chemical agents they contain will be the often ignored preservatives, antibacterial compounds, and firming agents. Even the aromas most cosmetics give off are chemically created.
In order to avoid the potential pitfalls that come with absorbing chemical agents into your skin you need to understand what to avoid in cosmetics products. These pitfalls include suffering organ and tissue toxicity, and an increased risk of developing cancer. Unless a formula is verified by you to be 100% all natural, then I wouldn't take a chance on using it.
Providing that you find product that you can verify as all natural, what ingredients should it include to make it the very best skin care anti aging formula available? Most people have come to believe that the most effective method of replenishing your lost firming tissue and polymer is by replacing it with animal collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Actually, this is not the way to improve the firmness and elasticity of your skin.
The effectiveness of the topical collagen and elastin formulas is just something that the cosmetics companies made up, because they knew they had an easy sell. The success of clinical treatments involving these substances made it easy for the public to believe that they would be able to get the same type of results from topical products. The truth is that collagen,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are too incredibly dense for the skin to absorb them.
The best skin care formula for eliminating your wrinkles is the one that features a protein complex and enzyme fusion called Cynergy TK. This ingredient has been clinically proven to improve collagen and elastin production, so that you create a greater amount of these substances. Phytessence Wakame kelp extract and grape seed oil are added to the mix for their ability to prevent the breakdown of your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.
Make no mistake about it. This all natural formula is the best skin care anti aging formula, because it gives you the results that the other products can't.
To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin, and other incredible natural substances for natural healthy skin care, visit my website today.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

if you want your apple-eating way of losing weight to work faster

Tips for Healthy Weight Loss for Women by James Pendergraft
If you are a woman and wish to observe healthy weight loss, then you should know that this does not have to be tough. In fact, you should never consider strenuous or drastic measures just so you could lose weight because there are a number of easy things that you can do to be able to achieve this while maintaining your overall health. Remember that great care should be taken in handling concerns that are linked to your health and losing weight is one of them.
Normally, women start to gain to weight when they go through menopause or when they get pregnant. However, gaining weight should not be an issue during these times if the right kinds of food are consumed. Adequate and proper exercise can also help in putting a halt on this issue from ever happening.
Here are a number of healthy weight loss tips that you can take on even when you are pregnant, experiencing menopausal symptoms, or simply wanting to shed off some pounds:
1)Eat three apples every day. This may seem like a simple and boring tip that will raise doubts of its effectiveness. However, this could actually work and may help you shed off some two to two and a half pounds in a month for some two to three months, even if you will just observe this tip alone.

The best way to follow this tip is to eat these apples as your snacks in between every meal,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots. However, if you want your apple-eating way of losing weight to work faster, then you can eat an apple before every meal. This will lead to the apples' crowding out some of the calories that you might take in with your meals.

2)Take your breakfast every day and include eggs in it. Most of the women who have gained some weight skip breakfast almost every day. This is because they believe that doing so would help them in their trying to lose some of their excess weight. However, this is not the case as not eating breakfast would make you consume more during lunch because you will be very hungry then.

To avoid gorging on heavy meals and snacking during the day, you have to make sure you eat a hearty and healthy breakfast. One of the best foods that you can include in your breakfast diet is the egg because this is protein-rich and is guaranteed to fill you up.

1)Eating one can of black beans every day could help in your weight-loss diet. If you are looking for a superfood that should be added to your weight-loss diet, then this should be a can of black beans. This is considered a superfood because it contains 25 grams of fiber that is good for bowel movement and 25 grams of protein that will help in building lean muscle mass.

Eating a can of black beans would already help you in getting the amount of fiber you need every day. It is best if you will eat half of the black beans during your breakfast and half of it for your lunch.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

stress relief

How to Stop the Media Attack on Your Body
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the ongoing message that the natural, curvy, womanly body I was born into is unacceptable. I'm tired of being horrified when I hear that five-year old girls already criticize their bodies and think they need to lose weight. I'm tired of the media forcing their limited, unattainable version of beauty on us.
The underweight beauty ideal of today is a complete invention of the media machine. Nature never intended women to look like teenage boys with large breasts, but the relentless media depiction of this body type powerfully defines it as the ultimate in beauty.
Without starvation and plastic surgery, it's impossible for 99% of women to achieve this ideal. So we learn to dislike our naturally gorgeous bodies and try desperately to change them. The toxic body messages we are deluged with every day cause eating disorders and widespread unhappiness.
53% of 13 year-old girls and 80% of adult women spend every day disliking their bodies,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots. It doesn't have to be this way. People naturally have all sorts of different body shapes and sizes. We don't have to let the media continue to define just one type of beauty as the ideal. We don't have to let them continue to ruin countless lives in their quest for more profits.
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Media Watchdog program is working to change the toxic media message. You can help by joining the free program and monitoring magazines, television, and radio. Keep track of what you see then send your positive and negative findings to NEDA.
Every quarter they write at least one letter of praise or protest to companies on behalf of the Watchdogs and post the results on the NEDA Media Watchdog website. Since the inception of the program in 1997, over half the ads they protested have been discontinued.
It's time for the media's attack on our bodies to stop. The Watchdog program gives us a powerful voice for change.
What to look for:
· Ads with a message or image intended to make people feel bad about their body shape or size.
· Promoting thinness as the only acceptable body size.
· Shows or ads that make fun of heavy people or imply that they are inferior or unacceptable.
· Idealizing people who are dieting or starving themselves.
· People shown using food for comfort, stress relief, or companionship.
· Emaciated models or actresses portrayed as the beauty ideal or star of the program.
· Promoting fitness and exercise solely as ways to get thin rather than ways to get healthy, feel good, and have fun.
· Ads that have people of all sizes and shapes depicted in positive ways.
· People eating healthy, good foods including desserts.
· Celebration of natural diversity and the enjoyment of life.
If you want to take the campaign even further, write your own praise or protest letter to the advertiser or the media outlet.
Ruffle a few feathers and let them know that attacks on our bodies will not be tolerated and that positive diversity is appreciated. Tell them you won't be buying their products due to the offensive advertising.
Be sure to thank companies for positive messages, too. Every little move in the direction of healthy body diversity is great. Thank them for being part of a culture that appreciates health and all kinds of beauty.
Visit to join the Watchdog program and be part of bringing about positive change in the world.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

prenatal yoga

Pregnancy Stretch Marks – 3 Simple But Yet Amazing Techniques To Stop Stretch Marks While Pregnant! by Ty Lamai
Although pregnancy is a time when many women are at their most excited, it is not all good news and smooth sailing. With being pregnant comes numerous changes in your body which may or may not upset you depending on your body type. Most women share a similar concern for pregnancy stretch marks. This is a common condition that occurs in the bodies of quite a number of pregnant women and most of these women want to know how, if possible, they can eradicate these marks. The fact of the matter is that it is possible to minimize or completely prevent these pregnancy stretch marks from occurring in the first place. This article will discuss three simple but yet amazingly effective ways in which you can completely remove or prevent those marks on your body that you do not want.
Technique #1 - Moisturize Your Skin
This method for preventing stretch marks is generally belittled and ignored by most pregnant women due to the fact that it seems so common and mundane. But the fact is that it is a very effective way to keep those marks away. You want to ensure that you keep the general surface area of your body completely moisturized and pay particular attention to those parts of your body that you know are more susceptible to stretch marks. If you are not experienced with knowing those parts of your body that can easily attract these marks, a good way to identify them would be to note the parts that are itchy. Simply put, if it itches, then you need to moisturize. You can utilize creams and moisturizers like; Shea butter, almond oil and cocoa butter and so on.
Technique #2 - Exercise Your Body
You need to learn to perform exercise routines that both relaxes your body and tones it simultaneously. These exercises can include; prenatal yoga, light walking, swimming, aerobics, and so on. You must ensure that you do not strain your muscles and your body; try to always remain conscious about the fact that you are pregnant. Keep these exercises light; you should make it a point of duty to perform these routines for no more than 30 minutes daily.
Technique #3 - Healthy Eating
Bear in mind that you are now responsible for someone else besides yourself; you can no longer eat the way you please or to your heart's content. During your pregnancy, you must pay very close attention to what you ingest. This cannot be overemphasized because what you eat directly affects your baby. You want to ensure that you eat foods that are highly nutritious including, but not limited to, the following; eggs, milk,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots, fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, and so on. If you can achieve this, you will be able to stay trim; unnecessary weight gain is a very common cause of pregnancy stretch marks.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

digital infrared thermal imaging may be of interest.

Early Detection And Breast Cancer
It is generally accepted that by the time a cancer is found by mammography or palpated during a clinical breast exam, the cancer has been growing for 8-10 years. What if we could have been alerted to the problem as it was developing, rather than wait till it is large enough to be seen by the naked eye? Would that be of interest to you?
There exists a technology that can detect an issue YEARS before a tumor can be seen on X-ray or palpated during an exam. This technology has been approved by the FDA as an adjunctive screening tool since 1982 and offers NO RADIATION, NO COMPRESSION AND NO PAIN. For women who are refusing to have a mammogram or those who want clinical correlation for an existing problem, digital infrared thermal imaging may be of interest.
There are very strict protocols both for testing and interpreting. Perhaps due to these guidelines, thermography (as with all digital technology) has exploded in its technique and capabilities. Thermal cameras detect heat emitted from the body and display it as a picture on a computer monitor. These images are unique to the person and remain stable over time. It is because of these characteristics that thermal imaging is a valuable and effective screening tool. Tumors or other breast diseases measures warmer than surrounding tissue and can thereby alert a physician to a problem before a tumor is actually palpable.
Medical doctors who interpret the breast scans are board certified thermologists. Thermography is not limited by breast density and is ideal for women who have had cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. Thermography, because it analyzes a developing process, may identify a problem several years before mammography,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots. DITI may allow women time and opportunity to support their immune system, change their lifestyle and give their body the best chance to alter their fate.
DITI has an average sensitivity and specificity of 90%. An abnormal thermogram carries a 10x greater risk for cancer. A persistently abnormal thermogram carries a 22x greater risk for cancer. Thermography, as well as mammography is a personal choice for women. This decision ideally should be made in collaboration between you and your physician. However, thermography does not require a physician's order.
Thermographic screening is not covered by most insurance companies but is surprisingly affordable for most people. For more information or to find a certified clinic in your area, go to .

and pumps with kitten heel. Make sure to stick with a more simpler style.

Footwear For Capri Pants by Laura Lougee
Cropped pants come in a variety of shapes and lengths. Cropped pants have become very popular look which is a look between shorts and pants. Here is a few styles that work well with crop pants or capris,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots.
Flip-flops or thongs- These are great shoes for spring or summer look. Flats will work well with cropped pants and you can have a bit of a heel. You need to find a sandal that is balanced.
Heeled pumps - To be a little stylish try wearing them with a classy dress shoe with a pointy toe pumps with a medium-high heel. This is a pretty look and stylish also but also ultra chunky heels it can take away from the outfit.
Wedge heels - Capri pants are wedge sandals are a natural look. Be careful of the the heels of the wedge heel. You want to make sure to show as much skin as possible on your feet.
Ballet flats- These shoes have been a style for a long time. It is a great look but be careful if you feel your legs are too heavy or short.
Tall boots- Knee high boots can work well with cropped pants also with a wider but like gauchos. Whether they are flat or heeled the look is perfect for fall and also works well with tights or bare legs.
Kitten heels- Capri pants look great with a small kitten heel are ideal for women who are petite. Stappy sandals, slides, and pumps with kitten heel. Make sure to stick with a more simpler style.
Footwear to avoid
* Cross Trainers
* Shoes in colors that contrast with your pants
* Shoes with busy or heavy prints
* Oxfords
* Bulky Shoes
* Ankle boots
* Clogs
* Socks

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

If the underwire digs in

Proper Bra Sizing: What Every Woman Should Know
Most women do not wear the correct bra size. With monthly water retention cycles, dieting, and general aging, it also should not be assumed that the size you were two years ago is the same size you are today (or that a bra can be worn that long, for that matter). Even a change of 5 pounds can change your bra size. This guide will help you to properly measure your bust, so that you can find the size for you.
While most shops will have a salesperson to assist you in proper measurements, in order to buy sexy lingerie from a catalog, it is important to know your size.
How To Know If Your Current Bra Does Not Fit
The back rides up. This may mean that the cups are too small, or the band is too tight. The front of the band is too tight to get a finger under it. This means you need a larger band.
The bra cups should be entirely filled, or you may need a smaller cup. If, on the other hand, the cups are overflowing, you may need a larger cup or a different style of bra.
If the underwire digs in, you may need a larger cup size. (Or your bra could just be very old. In either case, it's time to replace it.) This could also be an indication that the side wings of the bra are not large enough.
Proper Measurements
First, you will need three measurements: under bust, upper bust, and full bust.
For under the bust, measure directly under your bust. With all measurements, hold the tape secure but not too tight. For the upper bust, measure above the bust and below the arms.
If the difference between the under and upper bust is less than two inches, the under bust is your band size (round up to nearest even number). If the difference is more than two inches, add 2-3" to the under bust measurement to get an even number and use this as your band size. For the full bust, measure around a fullest part of your breast. Make sure the tape is secure around the back.
Your cup size is determined by your full bust measurement - your upper bust measurement. If the difference is less than 1", you are a AA, 1" is an A, 2" is a B, 3" is a C, 4" is a D, 5" is a DD (or an E), etc.
Beyond Measurements
Of course, your measurements are just the beginning. There are other things to keep in mind when looking for a comfortable, yet sexy bra.
When trying on different bras, make sure that the area in between the two cups actually comes into contact with your chest. Do not make the straps support your breast alone! This will be very uncomfortable over long periods of time, the bra will wear out quickly, and the pressure on the straps can cause back problems.
If you are finding the band sizes to differ for a different brand, you may also need to change your cup size. Generally, as you decrease the band size, you will need to increase your cup size,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots, while a larger band will call for a smaller cup.
Bra Styles
Different styles of bras have different fits. Beware the convertible bras: while they may sometimes work, it is rare that every possible style will work for your body.
Full Cup / Full Coverage - Designed for support, these bras cover the entire breast.
Half Cup / Demi Cup - These bras cover 75 percent of the breast. This is a sexy cut that increases cleavage, but make sure your breasts are not "cut-off" in the center. Your profile should still be smooth, and if it isn't, you need a larger cup size.
Underwire Bras - These bras give the most support.
Racerback Bras - These bras have a crossover pattern in the back. They can have a front or back clasp, or can simply pull over the head. This is a common style for a sports bra.
Halter-Top Bras - As the name imply, these bras have a strap that loops around the neck, rather than the usual shoulder straps. These bras can increase cleavage, and can be worn with both halter tops and tops with low center coverage.
Backless Bras - While some backless bras literally have only front coverage, generally this refers to bras with extremely low backs, so that many dresses with low backs can be worn without the bra showing.
Strapless Bras - These bras have no straps at all, only the band. Some of these can cover the stomach area as well, and some even cover the body like a leotard. These longer strapless bras tend to stay in place better.
Padded Bras / Push-Up Bras - These bras have extra padding in the cups in order to give the illusion of a larger breast and/or to increase the cleavage. The padding can be made of the same material as the bra, foam, or gel. Gel is becoming more popular because of its more natural look. In some bras, the padding is removable.
Décolleté - These bras are lower cut than a demi bra, allowing you to wear something even lower cut without revealing your bra.
Light-Support Bras - These bras have no underwire. While you may be tempted to wear one to an all-day event, if you are larger than an A cup, you may not be getting the support you need. A properly fitted bra will be comfortable whether or not it has underwire.
Sports Bra - These bras are designed to minimize bouncing during athletic activity. While some inexpensive varieties do this by squishing your breasts, it is better to find on that is sized by cup sizes (as opposed to small, medium, and large) and get fitted as you would with a regular bra. Over the long term, this will increase your comfort.
Nursing Bras - For the convenience of nursing mothers, these bras have a snap on each of the shoulder straps, so she can easily remove them to feed the baby without taking off the entire bra. Generally, nursing bras are full-coverage for the added support a new mother needs.
Now you can order all your intimate apparel with confidence! So next time you find the perfect little black dress, you can be sure you will look your best

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Some Royal Jelly Skin Care Uses

Using Royal Jelly For Skin Care
If you don't know what it is, you might think that Royal Jelly sounds more like something you'd spread on your toast rather than your skin. However the truth is, a lot of people use Royal Jelly as part of their daily skin care routines. Despite its funny-sounding name, Royal Jelly is for real. In fact it's a 100% natural product that is actually derived from the secretions of male worker bees,there is little known as far as treatment of the condition goes. As such. If you think you'd rather not put something like that onto your skin, I suggest you keep reading.
A Look Inside Royal Jelly
If you were to break Royal Jelly down into its individual components, you would find that it is made up of mostly water (60 - 70%), protein (about 12 - 15 %), and sugar (10 - 16%). The remaining components include fats, salts, amino acids and an abundance of vital minerals and vitamins. In an active bee colony, worker bees feed these rich secretions to bee larvae,a light-oriented dance..
After a few days of giving over their Royal Jelly,There is no need to be heavy on the blush either when there is emphasis on your eyes or lips, the worker bees begin to focus only on the larvae that exhibit the greatest chance of becoming the Queen. Only one will be lucky enough to continue receiving the Royal Jelly and soon will develop into the Queen.
And that is how Royal Jelly got its royal reputation. There are many ways to use Royal Jelly including using it as part of an effective skin care routine. After all, it makes sense that if Royal Jelly can help produce a Queen Bee that is better and stronger than the rest, then anyone who uses Royal Jelly on his or her skin should be able to reap such royal benefits as well!
Some Royal Jelly Skin Care Uses
Readily available from distributors around the world, Royal Jelly comes in capsule and liquid form. It's available as a chewable tablet and also as a powder and an elixir. When Royal Jelly will be used as part of a skin care routine, you need only massage a small amount into the skin. Within seconds, the skin will begin feeling tighter and fine lines and wrinkles will be much less noticeable. You'll feel almost as if you've just had a facelift, except there won't be any pain and you will have spent only a small fraction of the cost!
If you live in a colder, harsher climate, your skin will benefit from a regular Royal Jelly skin care routine. Dry skin looks dull, red and blotchy. It makes a person appear much older that he or she is. Skin that's hydrated appears more vibrant. Royal Jelly's moisturizing qualities give skin a fresh feeling, one that's soft and smooth.
You can easily spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products, but you won't have to if you let Royal Jelly work its magic on your skin. Apply it all over your body - your hands, legs, back, and anywhere your skin needs a bit of help. When you're done, your skin will definitely thank you,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Aloe vera does possess antibacterial and antifungal properties

Aloe Vera Skin Care – Does This Compound Remotely Contribute to Healing Acne? by Laurel Levine
Let’s face it. If you have used some of the popular anti acne skin care treatments and didn’t like the affect they had on your skin, then you may be tempted to try an aloe vera skin care remedy for acne. The aloe vera compound is renowned for its healing properties, and it is said that it is effective in repairing just about any type of problem that you could have with your skin. Is this type of formula effective in ridding the skin of acne lesions though?
This compound has gained attention as an anti acne treatment as it is mentioned as such in Ayurveda, which is a traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent. Ayurveda is now popular in other parts of the world as an “alternative medicine”. This medical practice is largely based on the belief in the effectiveness of various herbs and ointments as healing tools.
Not only is an aloe vera skin care formula one of the recommended treatments for acne, but medicinal preparations involving neem, turmeric, and papaya are said to be effective as well. It is easy to see why most of these ingredients have been chosen for this purpose, as they have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. This is one of the most important features for an anti acne ingredient to have.
The reason that acne lesions form is overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands, and inflammation caused by Propionibacterium acnes. You will need something special in order to bring the production of sebum back under control, and I will get to exactly what in a minute. Right now let’s focus on the anti-inflammatory effect that some of these Ayurvedic treatments have.
Neem,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots, turmeric, and papaya are all effective compounds for significantly reducing the inflammation caused by propionibacterium acnes, which will have a positive effect on your acne lesions. The only ingredient mentioned that has no anti-inflammatory ability is aloe vera. this, plus the fact that the substance is not the answer for controlling oil production add up to two very big strike against whether an aloe vera skin care formula can help you with your acne.
Aloe vera does possess antibacterial and antifungal properties, but there is little evidence to suggest that it would be effective in destroying the offending Propionibacterium acnes. The evidence that this compound does much of anything that contributes to healing is contradictory. I would have to call that a third strike against using this substance to effectively treat your acne.
Instead of an aloe vera skin care anti acne remedy, I would recommend an all natural skin care formula that provided a combination of Babassu wax,The days of pencil thin sexiness are over, Shea butter, and Phytessence Wakame kelp extract for treating your inflammation. Active Manuka honey will rid your skin of the troublesome bacterium, and the magic ingredient for regulating sebum production is simple Jojoba oil.
Make no mistake about it,you may be surprised to know that your body can be an excellent indicator. This combination of ingredients will provide you with everything that an aloe vera skin care anti acne remedy cannot offer. These ingredients are the best choice you have when it comes to fighting acne.
To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin, and other incredible natural substances for natural healthy skin care,Designer Discount Shoes by Laura Lougee, visit my website today.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

choose a simple but classic prom hair style such as a French twist

Prom Hair Style Perfection
The prom is perhaps the most important event for teenagers during their high school careers. Only when put next to graduation does the prom take a backseat as one of the most memorable times during a teenager's life. That is why it is so important to find the perfect prom hair style to complete your look on this special night. And with so much thought and planning put into finding the perfect dress and gathering all of the right accessories, why not also take a little time before hand to choose and practice your prom hair style?
While the prom hair style does not necessarily have to be formal and intricate, there are some prom hair styles that require a bit of practice before the big night. Even it you are having your hair done by a professional, he or she will appreciate talking with you and helping you choose your prom hair style in advance of the dance. Doing so will eliminate any miscommunications and ensure that you are happy with your hair on the night of the prom,Dolce & Gabbana.
But before you begin practicing your prom hair style or talking to your stylist about it,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots, you need to first find a few different prom hair styles that you would love to wear to your prom. One of the best places to find the perfect prom hair style is right here online. There are literally hundreds of prom hair style photo galleries that can be accessed with a simple keyword search using your favorite search engine (go to my website at for details of the best online photo galleries). And once you find the right styles, you can print the photos and take them directly to your stylist or to whoever is fashioning your prom hair style.
When looking through the prom hair style galleries, keep in mind the style and cut of your dress. Choose styles that will compliment both your personality and your dress while at the same time choose ones that will also work with your length and texture of hair. For example: If your hair is fine and limp,If you are a little more of risk taker and want to show off your fun and sexy side, avoid choosing prom hair styles that are full bodied or intricate. Doing so would likely result in a messy heap of undignified prom hair before the end of the evening. Instead, choose a simple but classic prom hair style such as a French twist, which is easy to achieve and maintain on fine hair.
Once you have found a few different prom hair styles that would be perfect for your big night, you need to practice creating the style on your own tresses to ensure that you achieve the perfect prom hair style on the night of the dance. Having a practice run or two also helps you to eliminate styles that are too hard to create or prom hair styles that you do not really like once you see them on yourself,which was caused by the activity of free radicals. Once this repair begins.
It is a great deal easier to decide that you don't like a particular prom hair style a week before the special night than it is an hour before you're supposed to walk out the door. As you can imagine, taking a little time to plan can greatly reduce your anxiety level on the day of the prom and help you to avoid prom hair style disasters.

Friday, October 12, 2012

joint pains

Menopause: What Every Woman Needs To Know by Nathalie Fiset
If there is one stage of a woman's life that is hard to cope up with that would be her menopausal years. As defined, menopause is a stage wherein a woman's monthly period has stopped. Veering away from the common conception that menopause is a disease, people in the medical world says that menopause is nothing but a normal and expected change in any woman's body.
Unlike before when menopause is clouded by absurd misconceptions and myths, people now are more open in discussing the phenomenon because many studies have proven that menopause is a natural step in the process of a woman's aging,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots. With the advancement of technology and researches, more and more women are given hope that they can still go on with their life by teaching them to discover and rediscover their purpose in life.
Most studies show that the most common determinant of menopause in women is physical changes. Since menopause is associated with absence of estrogen in the body (since the ovaries has stopped producing them), the reproductive system gradually shuts down.
Experts agree that the average age range of menopause in women is form 50 onwards. But there are cases wherein a woman may experience her menopausal earlier especially if she has undergone surgeries, major operations and a series of therapy due to cancer and other illnesses. Other causes of early menopause are autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, and diabetes mellitus.
Basically, menopausal years are divided into three phases: the premature menopause, which is distinguished for women whose ages are below 40 years old. Next are the menopausal climax years from 50 and above and the post-menopausal, which is experienced by women 50 and above and are those prone to more serious illnesses such as osteoporosis.
Experts agree that menopause pertains to the drastic changes in a woman's life that greatly affects her physical appearance, sexual function, feelings of well-being, and overall mood.
Technically, a woman is said to reach her menopause when there's an absence of menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. Here are some of the visible symptoms of menopause:
1. Drastic change in the pattern of menstrual periods. This can be characterized by shorter or longer span of time, lighter or heavier flow of menstruation, and more or less time between periods.
2. Occurrence of hot flashes or hot flushes.
3. Profuse night sweating usually followed by a slight chill.
4. Sleep disturbances and trouble getting enough sleep due to physical discomfort.
5. Vaginal atrophy. This is characterized by thinning, drying, shrinking and thinning of the vagina in most women,As you and I both know.
6. Psychological instability characterized by mood disturbances, irritability, fatigue, decreased sexual desire, and memory loss. Violent mood swings, crabbiness, and crying spells, which are usually caused by, pent up frustration due to lack of sleep are also common.
7. Inability to concentrate or focus on tasks properly. This is characterized by great deal of trouble focusing on things because the woman feels mixed-up and confused.
8. Hair issues,The Big Island. Women who are experiencing menopause or those who are about to experience it are having trouble dealing with hair issue due to hair loss or thinning on their head. They also experience hair growth on their face, which is quite unlikely for a woman.
9. Increased estrogen deficiency that leads to vasomotor instability characterized by dyspareunia, itching, dryness, bleeding, urinary frequency, urinary urgency,as DV survivors, and urinary incontinence.
10. Skeletal problems and muscle pains such osteoporosis, joint pains, and back pains.
As a woman's body adapt to the ever-changing levels of natural hormones, more and more symptoms can be traced to menopause.
If you want to prepare for this natural occurrence in a woman's life, make sure that you visit your doctor so he/she could do the necessary diagnosis and examinations to you. After which, proper solution can be provided by your physician depending on your individual need.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Top Hair Styling Tools
You will be amazed at the number of options from hair curlers to flat irons and hair crimpers available to you, as never before to achieve that special looks and effects from night out clubbing with your friends to wedding hairstyles. Although it is really confusing when it comes to selection as almost all hair styling tips mention the use of one or another styling aids or hair styling tools. Moreover, product terminology adds extra level of confusion. To make it clear take the example of any hair styling tools that generates heat to change the shape of your hair is termed as hair setter but when it comes to advertising, the term is most frequently applied to various hot rollers.
Therefore, here are some of the top hairs styling tools that are named for their special type of functions,*You are looking for something that is simply different from the norm.. Starting with flat irons that is the biggest craze among the people of this era looks like a clamp,such as red meat, which generates heat to temporarily straighten hair. A very simple device works well on thin sections of your hair through the closed jaws of the iron. Work from close to the roots to the end of your hair and combs your hair after each pass. Pass the iron slowly but steadily over your hair and never pause or leave the iron in one place. Your hair will stay straight and sleek as long as it is dry. These flat irons are also called hair straighteners and come in a variety of configurations and those lined with a ceramic material are of the best and most affordable quality. Take the example of flat irons from GHD and CHI,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots. They are undoubtedly excellent. They also have variable heat settings, a nice feature to help protect the hair from damage.
Like the hair straightener there is another hair styling tools called hair crimpers that are much the same in appearance and are used in much the same way except that the hair is pressed for a few seconds to put waves in instead of taking them out. Unlike the traditional chair dryers in a salon,You've just had this beautiful baby. And then it happens they cry, a blow dryer of todays is used in concert with a brush or comb that allows you to dry and to shape your hair in different directions. There are literally thousands of blow dryers on the market but it is recommended to buy a blow dryer that has variable temperature settings, so that you can control the temperature that is required for your hair. Curling irons is another hair styling tools that not only add shape to your hair but also add volume. Hot rollers are also the choice of many who want their style to stay "set" for longer periods.
There are few points that are found to be common with all the hair styling tools is that avoid using these thermal styling tools on wet hair as this will damage your hair. It is also recommended to always buy that hair styling tool that has variable temperature settings. Avoid using the high setting as much as possible. Hair care products that protect against thermal damage should be used if you blow dry daily. And lastly never compromise with the quality of the product.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Things You Should Avoid During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time where you have to be careful with yourself. Many factors affect the development of a fetus into a healthy child. Whether you like it or not there some activities you should avoid for the sake of your healthy baby. There are pregnancy risks that you have to aware of.
To help you knowing what they are, here is some checklist you might want to consider:
• Don't drink alcohol! You going to jeopardise your baby's development. If you don't want to have low birth weight baby, and having medical problems, better stop drinking once you know that you are pregnant.
• Don't smoke! Chemical inhaled while smoking may cause premature birth, miscarriage, bleeding, etc. Also it reduced the amount of oxygen that baby receives. What ever you are, don't smoke and avoid second hand smoke.
• Don't drink coffee. Caffeine in the coffee has been shown to affect fetal heart rates. Caffeine can also increase risk of stretch marks,because a woman can never have enough love. If you can't stop immediately,and fitness emphasizing mind and body, try to stop gradually.
• Don't do too much exercise! No doubt if moderate exercise is helpful for mother's mental state and can increase oxygen flow to the fetus. However, too much exercise can be dangerous. Better you do activities like walking, swimming, and yoga.
• Don't get near to chemicals substance! Be careful with unnatural chemicals, such as pesticides. If you consume vegetables or fruits, don't forget to wash them. Or remove the outer surface of vegetables or fruit so pesticides which rest on the outside of the vegetable or fruit will be thrown away.
• Don't consume drugs or herbal remedies that are not prescribed by doctors. What you consume might affect your unborn baby.
• Don't forget to eat nutritious foods. Good nutrition is crucial to a developing child. At least you consume 400-1000 micrograms of B vitamin (folic acid) which can be taken from leafy vegetables, orange juice, and beans.
• Don't have multiple sex partners which may lead to birth and pregnancy complications cause by STD's risk. Once you infected by STD, you may have premature baby or low birth baby.
Preventing is better than curing. If you can prevent yourself by not doing those kinds of activities, hopefully you going to have a healthy and normal baby,if used incorrectly. Try to acknowledge this on your first month of pregnant.