5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots

Friday, October 26, 2012

5. Turn The AC Up

Pregnancy Headaches
The headache that you experience during pregnancy is not the same as that which you experience at any other time in your life. At times you may be able to bear these headaches without any need for additional relief, but other times they are excruciating and highly unbearable and require some kind of relief. At times like that you do not need to resort to medication as a first option because there are many natural ways to relieve pregnancy headaches without risking the health of your unborn baby. This article will reveal 5 such ways to you
1. Take Plenty Of Water
One of the most common causes of headaches during pregnancy is dehydration. This is due to the fact that the body requires a lot of water for it to function properly,Decorating For the Cape Cod Home by Valorie Mendiola_0. In fact, your body will require more water now that you are pregnant. You need to make it a point of duty to remain hydrated. In case you feel your headache starting, you should slowly take a drink of water; ensure that the water is at room temperature so that absorbance into your body will be quick.
2. Eat Lots Of Fruits & Grains
Snack a lot on them. You want to do this because those headaches may be as a result of low blood sugar. You should snack on a granola bar or a fruit to acquire a little lift and to boost your blood sugar level which should eliminate your headaches while allowing your brain function from the increased energy.
3. Go Get A Massage
Your condition may be brought on due to stress. You could relieve this stress by indulging in a luxurious massage, preferably in a dark room. If done correctly, this will relieve the tension in your body and ease out the pressure on your mind. You should be able to rest more peacefully as the massage would have worked on those pressure points in your body.
4. Prenatal Yoga
You should learn to perform prenatal yoga which will teach you how to correctly breathe and meditate,The Top Reasons Why Women Changes Careers by Catherine Trebble. What this does is to empower you to naturally relieve the headaches through the power of visualization.
5. Turn The AC Up
You need to cool down your immediate space. Once it is cool enough you should lay down and take a nap,not just during the Yuletide and holiday season.. You will achieve two things if you are successful,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Black Boots; you will be able to take a relaxed nap while simultaneously giving your body the required time to cleanse and heal itself.

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